Welcome to

Bedford Brass


Restarting and New players

Thurdays 6.45-7.45pm

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Upcoming Concerts

Event Calendar


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We are looking for
new members, especially

Front row cornets,
Percussion/kit players

& tubas but ANY
and ALL are WELCOME!


Hiring Bedford Brass.

We are a non contesting band, available for hire for all occasions.
Under the banner of "Bedford Brass", we have groups ranging from quintet to full band of 25+ players,
who can provide brass music for various events.
If you would like to hire one of our bands for any occasion,
please contact us for further details using our contact form below.
We are more affordable than you expect!

Bedford Brass logo

Bedford Brass

Conductor and Musical Director - Liz Schofield.
This is a band of our top performing and dedicated players. A band that can hold its own in any situation and a must for any entertainment event requiring something special. With a very wide repertoire, Bedford Brass will fit into any situation Weddings, gala events, fund raising, fetes, evening entertainment or as background music for social gatherings. We can offer groups from 5 to 25 players to suit the venue and occasion.

Acorn Brass logo

Acorn Brass

Conductor - Peter Halliday
Acorn Brass is a training band of sorts, offering you a chance to meet weekly as a band in a friendly relaxed environment and have fun making music. Ideal if you're dusting off an old instrument or just starting with a new one. Ability requirements for this band are more relaxed.
Click here to find out more



Places we have played

Carton Coalville

with Dave Twitchings conducting.

See More


We are not a marching band!


We play a number of Christmas concerts and carol services including this one at Langford church.

See More



Combined Concerts

We've had a number of combined concerts with choirs, inc. many years of "Christmas Cracker" with the Bedford Hospital choir & through our links with the Mynyddislwyn Male Voice Choir.

class="info">See More

Combined Concerts



Biography of a Band.

  • 1988

    The Birth of Bedford Brass

    A number of brass players had left the Bedford Town band but wished to continue playing together. This was the "Breakaway". Bedford Brass was set up by Terry Hext and his wife Marion as a 10 Piece band.


    Success and Expansion

    As the band became established, more players joined. As well as "Breakaway" for the most experienced and dedicated players, the Bedford Brass family included the "A band" who were conducted by Gareth King (who also conducts the Kempston Concert band). The members of 'A' Band didn't have the years of experience as many of Breakaway but put on a grand performance when needed. Also a Junior section was created for young players and beginners.


    Terry Retires

    Terry retired as musical director and conductor of Bedford Brass at the end of 2003, although he continued with the Kempston Concert Band for a few more years and remained President of Bedford Brass.

  • 2004-2015

    David Twitchings

    Dave was appointed Musical Director of Bedford Brass and conducted the band until his retirement in 2015. The band enjoys a relationship with the Mynyddislwyn Male Choir (forged by Terry) and take part in shared concerts in Bedford and Blackwood, Caerphilly.

  • 2015-

    Liz Schofield

    Liz Schofield took over as Director at the beginning of 2016 and refreshed Bedford Brass after an uncertain period following the departure of Dave. The band established links with The Band of the Queen's Division

  • Our Amazing Team

    Doing a fine job of keeping us under control.

    Liz Schofield

    Conductor of Bedford Brass

    Pat Vought



    Bedford Brass

    Every Thursday evening 8pm-10pm
    at Kempston East Methodist Church
    227 Bedford Road
    MK42 8DA

    Acorn Brass

    Every Thursday evening at 6.45 - 7.45pm
    at Kempston East Methodist Church
    227 Bedford Road
    MK42 8DA

    Not a player but want to start?
    Played a brass instrument previously, but not for a while?
    Competent player looking for a local band?

    Please contact us if you wish to come along.


    Interested in joining a fun, friendly, non-competitive band playing a wide range of music?

    Want to hire a professional brass band for your event or special occasion?

    For all enquiries, please use this form.